Friday, December 25, 2009

All I Want For Chrismast

i'm watching 'All I Want For Christmast' on astro Hallmark channel, 702.

the boy wants a father or a husband for his mother.

kalau saya boleh mintak hadiah untuk chrismast, saya nak mintak ini. haha
(a big happy healthy wealthy harmony sporting funny family)

i will write santa a note next to my ginger cookies and a glass of milk.


Dear Santa,

i'm a good girl. so can u give me:

  • a happy family hahaha
  • a good result next semester
  • a driving license
  • a car lepas dapat lesen.
  • kerajinan dan kegeniusan
  • a scholar, haha



'Boyfriend For Chrismast' coming after this! hahahaha elok lah tu.

Merry Chrismast everyone! Hohohohohohoho

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Je T'aime, Pere!

this semester break is the most depressing one. makan tido makan tido makan berak mandi makan tido. i do nothing at home. bangun awal brekfast tengok jangan lupa lirik reading and watching tv. mandi sekala sekala kalau rajin. makan terlebih dan tidur secukupnya. urghhh bosan. rasa macam terkurung bawah tempurung atap rumah sebab tidak dibenarkan pergi mane2 unless dengan umi abe along. result berkecai. and abah uzur, T_T.

few weeks ago abah texted umi, saying that he is not well, having bad cough and kencing kuning. i thought it was normal due to bad weather kat makkah. but somebody told umi that abah was in ICU kat hospital sana, uzur sangat. shocked. i can see that umi has been worrying, tak sedap duduk dan kontek orang sana sini nak suruh abah cepat cepat sampai tanah air.

for few days ago, macam macam berita keluar. abah uzur sangat, batuk berdarah dan muntah berdarah. haih. we did solat hajat for abah, mintak abah sihat macam biasa. tampan dan gagah. wuwuwuw-.-"

abah arrived yesterday. penuh arrival hall dengan closed family, relatives, supporters, friends, dr, nurse, ambulans and cameras. abah looked sooo sick. duduk atas wheelchair. pakai kot, kopiah, black and white serban, gloves and socks. eyeballs abah sangat kuning, kulit abah sangat gelap. berkerut kerut pandang abah sebab macam tak percaya. dulu abah ku hensem. dulu. T_T

i hate the feeling at the airport. the feeling of competition. between the old and new. the old is pretty metty and the new has wrinkles all over her body. pffft. i have to protect mommy since she has the biggest priority. ultimate priority. and for the third party, kau boleh berambus. fakiyu.

thank you for the people yang bagi laluan untuk anak anak peluk cium abah dulu. we missed him so much, and abah looked so tired but he tried to smile. tangan terketar ketar nak salam power rangers. sumpah berair mata tengok abah. and i cried on the way to USM. takpelah bersebab okay.

i hate makcik makcik in black yesterday. muka macam %$@^*&^*&()*. muka gila kuasa, pisau cukur dan buat buat baik. menyampah. kalau aku bomb BMW diorang tuh, sedap jugak.

nak tulis banyak, tapi banyak yang censored dari yang nak tulis. LOL

for ateh and akem, pls understand why umi refuse to inform korang awal awal. ahahah. umi taknak korang bimbang laa, nanti kalau effect study tak boleh balik cuti awal! Hahaha. anyway, we will take care of abah. Heee :)

i know this post is a lil bit emotional, but i don't care. family matters, bertempat lah aku nak emo emo pon kan. haha. lets pray for abah. he is too young for hospital. baru 54. anak anak tak kahwin lagi semua. mr wan ismail, hwaiting! we loooooooove yuh! ♥

p/s: sorry for the grammar errors because i can't think straight aite now. hahahaha alasan. see u ladder!