Tuesday, September 29, 2009


l is for the way i look at you.
o is for the only one i see.
v is very very extraordinary.
e is even more than anyone that you could only
love is all that i can give to you.


Monday, September 28, 2009

You Are My Blog Stalker...

You are my blog stalker if:

1. You find yourself up at 12:00 a.m. and you're still looking at my blog trying to figure out ways to annoy me. You tend to do this every night reading the same pieces over and over and over spending hours thinking about ways to annoy me, which when you implement I just simply laugh at or ignore.

2. You visit my blog often and you know deep inside you want to be me, not like me but actually ME. I know this because not only are you obsessed with my blog, and everything I write, but you were also obsessed with viewing my then-girlfriend's profile as well...over and over you looked at her...over and over.

3. You visit my blog often because you think I'm after you or concerned about you even though I've never met you in person and you can see by my writing I'm not interested in you in the least, or really anyone in particular, but especially not you.

4. You visit my blog often because you wonder what I have that you don't have and whatever those things are, you want to destroy all of them.

5. You visit my blog often trying to dig up dirt on me or for ideas about titles to posts you think will make me think you are writing about me. You crave my attention. You crave it.

6. You get on your computer every morning and as soon as you get home nearly every day and go to my blog first. I know this because there you are on the list every day.

7. You're angry because you think I've gotten the attention that you really deserve instead, and so, you comb through my blog to search for information that you might try to use to discredit me. You search, you search, you search and you search.

8. You visit my blog often but don't like me, and we both know you don't like me...and I still don't care. Why do you return? Why do you keep making an obvious spectacle of yourself? You really want to stop, but you just...can't...stop.

9. You follow every post I make with one of your own, or more than one, and you continue to think you harass me in this way because you're so unhappy with your own life and really can only live vicariously through me, craving my attention, for which you simply don’t qualify on any level.

If you read this and saw yourself then please consult your mental health professional. If you read this and see someone else, please help them...please...

Again, we all know what this is about. You were desperate to speak with my girlfriend, who just put you off because you didn't qualify and couldn't. Once you found out she was my girlfriend you went crazy. You posted nasty blogs about violence against single mothers and sent disgusting private emails that got you thrown off the site. Now you see yourself as my tormentor despite the fact that you are an irrelevant cockroach and I feel nothing more than pity for you. You are a sad spectacle...

Get some help...please..


Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Angel

Some people believe, there is a one
The one who points, your way to the sun.
A person they believe, makes them complete
The one who will support, when facing defeat

'You are my angel', my one and only
My forever love, so we'll never be lonely.
You've bought to my life, all your love and care
It made me see, when I realized how rare . .
It is to meet your angel, or their lifetime one
Through you and my children, whos life has begun.

What you've done, you've illuminated my soul
Its you and your love, that has made me whole.
The feel of your love, your soft touch and caress
We're tight so close, your heart beats in my chest.

All that we have, always felt missing before
Though I love you today, tomorrow it will be more.
Our love is life, we are the strongest tree
Which will always grow forever, like you and me.

You have opened my heart and held it so dear
You are my angel and will always keep it near.
You have seen my ups and cared when I was low.
'you are my angel', I just need you to know.

You entered my life, through a ray of sun above
And when we leave, we will leave together in love
My love for you, has become my reason to be
I hope one day you'll find, your angel in me.

Lots of love,

salah salah faham

aku tak tahu kau kena marah ke tak malam tu
tapi muka kau, marah dekat aku

aku tak tahu apa yang kau tahu
mungkin lain dengan yang aku tahu
jadi cerita kita lain.

orang pun faham lain
dan orang pandang lain, pandang sinis kot

serius aku tak kenal sapa2 malam tu.
macam orang asing. kekok.

entri ni bukan nak salahkan sesiapa.
bukan salah kau
bukan salah aku
bukan salah orang
bukan salah orang asing.

mungkin salah aku
xsampaikan awal awal, betul betul apa yang betul dekat kau.

salah salah faham.
jadi aku mintak maaf.
betul betul mintak maaf

benda dah lama, susah nak betulkan.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

selamat hari lembaran baru

selamattt selamatttt hari rayaaa
hahaha jom karok lagu raya hannah! kekeke
semua orang buat post selamat hari raya, jadi kite pon nak buat post tuh.
heh, ni bukan yaza yaza ok. hahaha
xdelah, internet lajuuu tapi nak apelod kat fac
ebook macam berejam nak kene tunggu

sooooooooo, baik tunjuk kat sini. hehehe

aicece gamba mule mule nak suspen je
xnak tunjuk muka sebenarlah apelah

haaa amik kau muke paling hodoh skali
hahha xpe ni muke sebelum bermaaf-maafan ye

haha ni aksi paling gonjeng skali
raya pon xreti nak bersopan, haha xpee
adik-adik nampak sangat menikmati hari raya :)
kan kan?


ni bukan pasangan suami isteri seperti yang anda jangka ye.
ini kakak saya, ateh.
dan itu adik saya, hakim.
heee. tolong jangan buat perbandingan.

ini pula bukanlah ibu tunggal ye.
bukan juga mangsa penderaan kanak kanak. haha
itu kakak(fatihah) dan adik saya (aisya)
muka kene paksa g smayang raya. haha tipu

ni pun bukan muka baru lepas pantang 40 hari.
bukan. ni muka baru sampai malaysia 5hari.
hahah teruja tengok baby tahun lepas dah besar.
dah comey lotey.

hihi. nampak macam gambar yang proper kan
tapi sebenarnye sume pon xsiap kecuali aku.
HAHAHAH padan muka
ni bukan satu family pon ok.
ni family orang xsmayang raya. ;p


muka xpuas hati
sebab bile aku nak masuk dalam gambar je semua cabut
kenapeeee T_T

michael jackson mane hale tah sesat
tak pun sbb kepala berat haha

kalau kau ingat aku upload gambar ni sbb nak suh pilih yang mane handsome, kau silap
aku nak kau pilih lubang hidung sapa paling besar.

abang manissssss
grr grr

kelab bapak boncit
berdiskus bagaimana nak kempiskan semula perut :))

chris brown beraya di kampung
muka jakun xpernah makan ketupat

aksi manja di pagi raya :">

ni lah pengantin baru, hihi
(akak baju oreng yeee)

keadaan sesak di dapur
sampai xcukup tempat duduk
krusi 3 seat pon boleh muat 5org haha

manja bersama bonda

aku xde sebab xpakai baju warna hijau atau coklat
atau kopiah putih atau snowcap belang-belang


widad baru bangun tido
pelik kenape semua orang cantik harini
lupa hari raya ye.

muka widad selepas mandi
ko rase ko comel laaa?

hai, saya amir faiq
bakal hero gadis gadis. ahaks

qistina hotbabe. widad hotbabe. arisya hotbabe

merahnyeeee mak long.
grr grr cekak pinggang geram ye grr grr

wajah najmi tak kacak bile lapar

ini adam.
suka merengek. xsuka didekati kecuali closed family
(papa mama kakwawa dan kaktirah dan adik airil)

hoh sape tak terkejut tengok amira montel
baru 7bulan dah besar camtuh
minum susu ehem ehem saja okay

airil sexy perut ada 3 lapis

haha dah la penat okay nak upload semua


sorrylah xreply msg2 raya korang.
dah tulis kat facebook korang kan? hee

c'est tout de moi. merci :D

Monday, September 21, 2009

entry in arrears :)

malam 15sept, 1st birthday wish ialah daripada maryam.
halal lah ko awal setengah jam, aku paham kau kat mane. -.-"hahaha.
tapi muya punye wish yang awal 10 minit xboleh dimaafkan.

Yang, epi bday! :). may god bles u! slmt brbhgie ngn alif ye. hiphip

Happy bday sayang!

haha okay ini sudah masuk part yang dah 12 midnite, halal.

Happy b'day syg!! I'm wishing u anothr year of laughter, joy n fun, surprises, love n happiness.. I hope u feel deep in ur heart, as ur b'days come n go, how very much u mean to me, more than u can know syg.. So happy bday!! Love u so much. Muax!! Hee..

Happy bday lia.

alia.. slmt hari lahi
r.. mat doakan alia dpt sume yg alia nk..

Happy birthday mep! Sayaang ko!

Hepi besday. Moga d pnjgk
n umr n d mmurhkn rzki. Smga bjya dunia akhrt.. AMIN

-ain asyikin-
hepy bufdey..may god bless u, dear.. luv 4ever

happy bufday...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Selamat hari lahir aloyah hotbabe.. Hahah

Alia, happy 20th birthday! Hope u hv a great day ahead of u. Haha! Love u!

Alia. hepi bday! Smoga pjg umur dan murah rezeki. best of luck.

happy birthday! may god bless u!

Slmt ari jd u! may ur wish came true..epi slalo! sweet 20

Loyah.. happy bday! hope u had a blast darl! Muah!

Aloyah, soryr i lambat for a few days. Happy belated bday! I hope u hadd a really good one. Diorg sume leaving for Uk today kan? Kem salam ok!

ohh terima kasihhh amat, walaupun ade setengah tuh cm nak tergelak bila baca,
dan walaupun sangat sweet. haha buatlah muka geli aku xheran./
heee. ni sume yang send kat phone la. belum lagi yang kat YM n Facebook kan. hahaha. xterlistkan lah pulak nanti. Thankss korang :).
Seriously thanks, walaupun wish happy birthday je. :D muah muah muah

oh eh, haa ni saliha, min amalia, syaza, fafa,
falihin, kaila, jasmin pun bersama sama menyanyi ramai ramai lagu Happy Birthday.
haha sumpah terharu. Lin tanya,"kenape nangiss?". hahhaha mestilah sebab terharuuu. sayanggg korang semua!

dan plan Muya untuk malam tuh adalah sangat seram dan tak kelaka, =,="
ckp dekat syaza, nak lepak dekat kedai kopi seksyen 2 ke 4 tah, then cakap dekat saya suh naik kete dengan die lah suh teman apelah (&*&^$Y(@) kan.
mula mula pegi 7eleven sbb muya nak beli panadol menstrual apetah haha. kantoi ko tak puasa.
lepastuh salahkedai kopi lah ape lah
pastuh masuk dekat kawasan perumahan sbb muya nak cari shell nak isi minyak kann
tapi tibe tibe zasss ade kete laju gile potong kete muya macam rempit mane hale tah
kete tuh stop, then ade sorang minah klua datang kat kete kitorang n suh kitorang kua cm haram die ketuk, memang muke nak cari gadoh.
oh yes, ade lagi 2 orang lelaki bersama pompuan tuh.

muya: weh weh, mimee shafina laa.
alur: haaaa? sape tuuu xknal kottt.

hahhaa mimee aku sumpah xcam ko sebab ko lain gile dari gambar ok?

mimee: ko aloyah laa dalam facebook ke?
alur: haah. kenape?
mimee: oh ko lah yang duk mengata aku dalam facebook tuh ye. meh sini ko aku nak haja sikit.
alur: eh apehal lak ko nak haja aku. aku xkenal ko pon. ko mimee shafina ke? -.-"
mimee: eh yelah ko buat buat xkenal pulak dah. dalam facebook bukan main lagi duk mengata aku, bile face to face ko cuak pulak.
alur: eh kenape pulak aku yang kene? aku mengata ko ape, tolong cakap sikit.
mimee: dah dah ko jangan nak cakap banyak eh kang tangan aku naik atas muke ko kang.

haa lebih kurang camtuh la skrip die kan. gaga
gadoh punye gadoh dengan mamat 2 ekor tuh skali,
pastuh muya pon cam nak xnak backup aku. baik punya kawan.
last last kene sumbat masuk dalam bonet wohh. muat pulak kan. hahaa
driver bawak cam pelesit, aku pon layan duk dalam bonet sampai nak tido. haha

rupe rupenye diorang wat prank.
haih penat je cuak ape sume takut kene rogol la ape la, dah la nak raye.
hahahha skali diorang keluar dari depan kete bawak cupcakes n nyanyi lagu happy birthday.
haha apelagi sesi pelok memelok dan nangis kottt

thanks muya for the great plan
thanks for the telurss dan tepung. macam hantu dah.
thanks aliff for the cupcakes. sho shweet hihihi
thanks korang sebab ade malam tuu :)
thanks pakwan dan tebe sebab amikkan cupcakes
thanks mimee shafina dan golo untuk lakonan yang mantap
thanks kawan kawan pakwan yang xpandai belakon jadi jahat, hahha
thanks korang pakai baju kurung malam tuh, sumpah xterpk akan berlaku kejadian mcm ni
thanks lin for the cardigan. haha
thanks pah for the puding mango. yummyyyp

ini ade gambar sikit untuk tatapan. ( :

ni haa pemangsa pemangsa sekalian yang berlaku kejam terhadap aku. thanks korang, muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

hahaha sukelah gambar nih.
hannah macam bongok, jasmin pon comel. jangan perasan lebih lebih. haha. aku macam hantu hotbabe <3.

ohh ni lah die cupcakes.
thanks muhammad alif shazwan, awwww sweetnye awak! terharu sangat sangat walaupun surat cinta dipatahkan. haha
sayang awak juge. hihip <3

Monday, September 14, 2009

happy bday alia!!~

God gave a gift to the world when you were born—
a person who loves, who cares,
who sees a person’s need and fills it,
who encourages and lifts people up,
who spends energy on others
rather than herself,
someone who touches each life she enters,
and makes a difference in the world,
because ripples of kindness flow outward
as each person you have touched, touches others.
Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,
because you are a special treasure
for all that you’ve done.
May the love you have shown to others
return to you, multiplied.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays,
and many, many more,
so that others have time to appreciate you
as much as I do.

Happy Birthday!~


eeeeew ape ni

how to say what's in my heart
you gave my life a beautiful new start.
never got time for the unsaid to say
I wish we stay forever this way.

even when the sun will stop shining
when the rain will stop falling.
I'll be with you with all my heart
we'll reborn where we don't have to apart.

falling for you :)
yes you

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tagged by Shabab :)

aku lapaaar laaa. jangan tanye boleh x? puase kot

emo? eh ape hal nak emo emo. haha dah emo dah. ehmestilah tahap 1 atau 2 jeee.

emmm warna warni. haha xde spesifik warna ok.
kadang kadang orang tanye jawap "adalahhhhhh" sbb xtau warna ape. hahaha

wehhhhh jangan la tanyeee. tu cita cita dari kecik kottt -.-"

satu mane cukup. aloyah kottt, mana ade satu sikap. hahhaa
aloyah baik, percayelah pelisss.

nama pon aloyah hotbabe<3
tipulah kalau xde sape minat kann. hahaha

mengamok laaa. grr grr


1. jasmin
2. muya
3. idham
4. dira
5. izyan bla bla
6. saifol haroon
7. kailaaaa.

oh hai.
ppl ppl! HAHAHAH

sori blog ni dah berhabuk. lame sangat xupdate kannn
welll bulan bulan puase ni mane la sempat nak update update blog ni
pls lah, mane brani nak tinggal traweh nii. hahaha
ok hari ni dah 13 september
happy birthday sharafie!
2 hari lagi ateh nak balik yeahayyyy.
4 hari lagi hannah ilmy sharir ridhz ogy nak fly.T_T
nak ikut boleh?tsk
5 hari lagi nak balik umah.
6hari lagi maryam balikk! :DDD
lets partayyy. hahaha

Selamat Hari Raya semua!
Maaf Zahir Batin.